Saturday, November 1, 2008


It started on thursday when i invited some people to carve pumpkins with me. I always remember doing that together as a family before. You cant just carve pumpkins by yourself.... I'm sure theres a law in the bible about that. I went to a Pumpkin Patch thingy and pumpkins here are cheap so I got lots... then my roomate told me they grow them here...DUH! Anyways I had invited 4 other people but only 2 came. So sad. So it was just Me, Samuel, and Patrice. Bill my roommate didn't want to join us (party pooper) Samuel took the longest to plan but had his done first. Patrice had the most intricate design... i like making teeth. So it was fun and we had some laughs... and we had a good time... Both were impressed with my casserole in a pumpkin. Sadly the pumpkin wasnt the best of ones ive tasted but oh well.

SO onto Halloween itself.. I decided to do somthing crazy....
Now afterwords I think I might regret it but hey now I know I dont like my hair bleached.
The dance was fun even though I was a bit of a wall flower (hey! Lot less then before the Mission!) and i got lots of "wow is that permenant?" I also got asked a lot About what i was but i was just trying to be preppy.. in otherwords pretend I was cool. Not much else except they always have the music up WAY to loud at those church things..

Enjoy the pictures now.. youve been patient.

I won the apple bobbing contest.